PS: In case you were curious, or if you just wanted to say hi, the DEAD2U team is just a small group of progressives who where fed up with the gun issue (kinda like everyone else). If you want to reach out... contact us here
* According to the National Sports Shooting Foundation, an estimated 1.3 million modern sporting rifles and similar types of guns, more commonly referred to as assault weapons, are sold each year.
† One year (31,536,000 seconds) divided by 1.3 million weapons sold = one weapon sold every 24.25 seconds
‡ We don’t have the exact numbers because credit card companies do not disclose how much money they make from each industry, but we can make some conservative estimates with the data we have. According to the NY Times, the average price of an AR-15 style rifle is $1,000. And according to Value Penguin, a website for financial resources, the average transaction fee with these credit cards comes out to around 2%. Using the calculation of 1.3m weapons X $1,000 avg. price X 2% avg. transaction fee gets us to $26m. While this is not perfectly precise, we believe it gets us to a good estimate of how much they make.